Xtended XT First-Blood

Changelog for Xtended XT First-Blood initial A13 Build -:

* Merged Septemder 2022 patch android-13.0.0_r4
* Bump Xtended version to XT First-Blood
* Multiple Dark Theme options
* Wi-Fi icons
* Signal icons
* Font style
* Icon shape
* Power menu animations
* QS Tiles Animations
* Volume key Music control 
* Volume rocker wake
* Three finger Swipe to screenshot
* Double tap to sleep Gestures (LS & SB)
* Lockscreen shortcuts
* Lockscreen charging info
* Hide botton shortcuts
* UDFPS Customizations
* Disable night-light for UDFPS
* Custom UDFPS icon & animations
* User selectable UDFPS icons
* System Navigation customizations
* Power/reboot menu opacity
* Power/reboot dialog dim background
* Hide on lockscreen
* Power UI items ( Like On-The-Go in power menu)
* Clock & date customization
* traffic indicators customizations
* Battery Customizations
* User selectableVoLTE icon & VoWiFi icon
* Lockscreen bottom shortscut
* Hide call strength
* Data disableed icon
* Old mobile type
* Charging animation
* ignore windows secure flag (Take screenshot in any app)
* Themed icon
* Wallpaper colors & Basic colors option
* All app themed icons
* Lock recent app options
* Call recording in default dialer

Please do share your reviews and feedback HERE.

Download ROM :- Release XT-First_Blood

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Best Regards Team-Xtended

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